Georgia Board of Nursing

Georgia Board of Nursing         

Board of Nursing
237 Coliseum Drive
Macon, GA

Business: (912) 207-1640

License Period
Biennial, January 31 odd year

Temporary Permit Period
6 months if by endorsement
no permit by exam
provisional authority to practice may be issued to eligible APRN graduates

Re-Examination Limit

every 91 days within 3 years from date of graduation (or date of eligibility for out-of-country graduates)

Continuing Education Requirements
RNs: none
APRNs: must meet recertification requirements, which include continuing education

Exam Fee
$88 NCLEX (plus $9.25 when registering by telephone)
$40 exam fee

Endorsement Fee

Renewal Fee
$60 ($40 if paid before 11/30)

Temporary Permit Fee
included in application fee